Goalie End-Ball

Tactical Problem:  Move into space to receive a pass.  Passing quickly to avoid coverage.  Getting the ball to a specified target
Skill development:  Passing, Catching, Moving

Teaching Points:


  • Change direction/pace quickly to lose defender while off the ball
  • Focus on the midsection to stay close to the offensive player 
  • Lead team-mates with the pass 



Start:  The ball is place at mid field and the opposing teams rush for possession.

Score:  Players must complete a specified number of passes before passing the ball to their team-mate who must remain in-goal at all times.

Prevent Score:  The defending team prevents scoring by intercepting a pass, causing an incomplete pass or forcing the offensive team out of bounds.

Organizational Points:
  • Grids of about 15 x 15 meters contain two teams of  3 to six players. 